Metric System

GO Metric NOW

We want to GO Metric NOW. WE want to remove the old measuring system and WE WILL DO IT. Comments



METRIC SYSTEM - slowly getting there, inch by inch

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Units of Measure and Conversions

Compute expressions involving different units. By default, units are converted to and results expressed in meter-kilogram-second (mks) units. Many units have both long and short names. Use whichever name you prefer.

Deirdre Flint - Metric Lyrics

The Green Dress Lyrics: The Great Metric Threat of 75!

Everybody is asking about sexy TILF Deirdre Flint and lyrics. The video Deirdre Flint - awesome metrication support is very low quality, you can't pick it up on the run, so here you go:

chance watching BOOBS

She will explain the difference between mass and weight -- using her BOOBS. She is using the metric system but who cares? We can watch her BOOBS!!!

Metric UK Mess

We can see now not just the USA is a MESS


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