Metric System
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Metrication petition in UK

metric british
Sign it NOW

If you agree that it’s high time the UK finished the long drawn out process of metrication, you may wish to sign the e-petition here.

A few old people and slow learners may be slightly confused during the final stages of the changeover. However, we did it with decimal currency in 1971 and now who would dream of turning the clock back to the days of pounds, shillings and pence?

Kilogram Redefinition

Metric kilogram
UK scientists working towards a redefinition of the kilogram

Scientists at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) have released new research results that could affect how we measure a kilogram — the last SI unit based on a manufactured object. The International System of Units (SI) is the foundation for all our measurements from the beer in your pint to the gap between the tick and the tock on your clock.

SI units are defined by the General Conference on Weights and Measures. The next meeting of the conference, in November 2007, will consider a range of issues related to the maintenance of the SI, including an initial proposal to prepare for the redefinition of several of the base units.

Set back for metric martyr

metric scales
Imperial scales confiscated

LESS than a week after the EU ruled that he could continue selling in pounds and ounces, Woodford Green market trader, Colin Hunt, has had his scales confiscated.

Mr Hunt, from Woodside Road, runs a fruit and veg stall in Hackney and has been involved in a running battle with the council since being convicted in 2000 of failing to display prices in kilograms.

On September 7 an inspector from Hackney trading standards office came to his stall and told him he had five days to replace his imperial scales with their metric equivalents, but Mr Hunt thought the heat was off after a ruling from the European Union that left decisions over the use of imperial measures to individual governments.

EU given up on metric - answer is NO

EU flag
Comment: EU gives up on metric Britain

Is this a victory? Not really. It’s just maintaining the status quo - half metrication which infuriates a large proportion of the public.

The media have finally caught up with the news that our masters in Federal Europe have, at least for the time being, given up on forced metrication in England.

However, despite the headlines boldy declaring that Federal Europe has given up on metricating England, they are still very much committed to ensuring that foreign metric measurements are here to stay. Anything you sell still has to be weighed or measured in metric with our own imperial weights and measures as an additional, less prominent, piece of information. You will still be prosecuted by Trading Standards for not using foreign metric weights and measures even though imperial is used by more people than metric.


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